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Sony po svetu prodal že 29.3m konzol PS4

Sony je v četrtek razkril finančno poročilo za zadnje četrtmesečje, kjer je statistika pokazala, da je Sony prodal več kot 29.3 milijonov konzol do sedaj.  Četrtmesečje je trajalo od 1. julija do 30. septembra, v tem času pa je Sony prodal 4 mio konzol.

Med trajajočim četrtletjem so pri Sony-ju zabeležili profit v višini 33.6 milijard jenov (278 milijonv dolarjev), v primerjavi z lanskoletno 1.1 milijardno izgubo. Prodaja Playstationa je močno pripomogla pri finančnem stanju.

S prodajo v ZDA in Kanadi so začeli leta novembra 2013, na Japonskem  pa februarja 2014. V prvem letu je Sony prodal 7.5 mio enot, v drugem 14.8 mio enot in v prvem četrtletju 2015 pa še 3 mio enot. Skupno do 30. septembra že 29.3 mio konzol.


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Seznam glasbenih izdaj v novembru 2015

Date Artist Release Title Release Type Comment Details
01 Xaa-Xaa (ザアザア) Yukidokei Single The band’s second single.
02 Vexent Omega (オメガ) Single The band’s first single. Was sold in advance at Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE on December 24, 2015. CDJapan
02 THE NOVEMBERS DEMO1 live-distributed CD THE NOVEMBERS re-release “DEMO1” during their live tour “10th Anniversary TOUR -Honeymoon-“, from November 2 at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST up to November 28 at Sapporo COLONY.
03 NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Live-distributed single The single will be distributed at their one-man live tour “THE ORIGIN” tour final on November 3, at TSUTAYA O-East.
04 R-shitei (R指定) syojosousitsu (少女喪失) Album The band’s fourth full album. Link
04 MEJIBRAY SECRET No.03 Single The band’s 15th single. Link
04 NoGod BON VOYAGE-10TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR 2015 FINAL- Live DVD/BD First DVD release from the band, featuring the final day of their “BON VOYAGE-ROUND33 PLACE-” tour held on July 25, 2015 at TSUTAYA O-EAST. CDJapan
04 D’ERLANGER Spectacular Nite – Kuruoshii Yoru ni Tsuite (狂おしい夜について)- Tour 2015 Final at Akasaka (赤坂) BLITZ 20150614 Live BD Features the final day of D’ERLANGER’s nationwide tour held on June 14, 2015 at Akasaka BLITZ. In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the band’s career since their debut from a major label. CDJapan
04 Zin (ジン) Kono Suki wa Douiu Suki nanoka Mohaya Wakaranai kedo Suki nanodesu. (この好きはどういう好きなのかもはやわからないけど好きなのです。) Single The band’s sixth single. CDJapan
04 LiPS Squall Single The band’s third single. CDJapan
04 Arlequin (アルルカン) Qualia (クオリア) Single The band’s sixth single. Link
04 Sick2 CRAZY TOKYO Single The band’s sixth single. CDJapan
04 VANIRU Dead or Dance Single The Duo’s third single. CDJapan
04 Akathisia (アカシジア) Dystopia Single First single release from the band. CDJapan
04 SAVAGE Izon Waisetsu Karte (依存ワイセツカルテ) Single The band’s third single. CDJapan
04 RENO UNIVERSE Album First solo release from RENO (ex-ViViD). CDJapan
09 Reirei (麗麗) Final Pokopen (ファイナルポコペン) Live-limited one-coin single The single will be released during lives beginning from November 9 at Hamamatsu FORCE and up to December 24.
11 vistlip COLD CASE Single The band’s 15th single. Link
11 GLAY 20th Anniversary Final GLAY in TOKYO DOME 2015 Miracle Music Hunt Forever Live DVD/BD Features GLAY’s concert held at Tokyo Dome on May 31, 2015, in which YOSHIKI (X JAPAN) appeared. CDJapan
11 Harakiri Culture (ハラキリカルチャー) KAI-SHAKU Album CDJapan
11 Raglaia Creation Album The band’s first album. Link
11 Far East Dizain TONICK DIZAIN Album First full length album by the band. TONICK DIZAIN will be issued by the band’s own label, DEZAIN Records. Link
11 LIN (凛)-THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD- Memento-Mori~Embrace of Utopia~ Live DVD Features the band’s first anniversary one-man live, Memento-Mori ~Embrace of Utopia~, from May 31, 2015, at Shinjuku ReNY. Link
11 LIPHLICH 2015.5.10 “Use My illusion I” at Theatre 1010 Live DVD Features LIPHLICH’s one-band show “Use My illusion I” held on May 10, 2015 at Theatre 1010. Includes all the 14 songs performed at the gig. CDJapan
11 JILUKA Lluvia Single The band’s third single. Link
11 Sweet Home (スゥイート×ホォム) Paralysis / Life&Penalty Single The band’s second single. CDJapan
11 Tokami Tokami MV Collection Music Video DVD Tokami’s first official music video collection features seven videos, including two never before released music videos. CDJapan
11 S.Q.F Sirque Du Freak 2015 -Cloud Cuckoo Land- Live DVD Features a one-man concert by S.Q.F (michi of MASCHERA) to commemorate the 15th anniversary of his career. Features DAISUKE (SiXX), YOU (GACKT JOB), Kazutake (ex. MASK), and TOMO (MASCHERA) as supporting members. CDJapan
11 Mix Speaker’s,Inc. Corpse Carnival Album The band’s fourth full album. CDJapan
11 Link sweet Single The band’s second single. CDJapan
11 THE MORTAL I am MORTAL Album First full album from THE MORTAL, solo project by Atsushi Sakurai (BUCK-TICK). CDJapan
13 R2Y+J CRAWLER/TWILIGHT/UNIVERSE Single The band’s third single. CDJapan
14 @LOID Title to be announced Live-limited CD The unspecified CD will be released on November 14 at Yuki’s (ゆーき) birthday live “Kane Party (金パーティー)”.
16 DANGER☆GANG V.I.O Mini-album The  mini-album will be sold in advance at Ikebukuro EDGE on November 16. The original release date is for December 23.
16 ROMiO Title to be announced CD Details are scarce at the moment, however, the unspecified CD will be released on November 16 at Ikebukuro EDGE.
17 GOZ Title to be announced Live-distributed Demo single The single will be distributed at Ookubo HOTSHOT on November 17.
18 GAMEOVER (ガメオベラ) START Single The band’s first single. CDJapan
18 the GazettE UGLY Single The band’s 20th single. Link
18 Develop One’s Faculties reincarnation Album Second pressing of the band’s first full length album. Link
18 IGGY REVOLUTION EP The band’s first EP. HMV
18 Tsudukimashite (ツヅキマシテ、) Waruguchi (わるぐち。) Single
18 KRAD SepsiS Mini-album The band’s first mini-album. CDJapan
18 KRAD Plantman Single The band’s first single. CDJapan
18 THE BEETHOVEN ELISE Album The band’s first full album.
18 Various artist Agitation Clysis – PPF – Album Visual kei compilation album. Includes tracks by the following bands: BLINDGRAPH, DraiN, DIMDIVISION, eStrial, the god and deathstars, NUMBER MOUSE, THE RHEDORIC, R2Y+J, TEARS OF THE REBEL, 101A, Mitsurugi. CDJapan
18 Various artist Agitation Clysis – Reckless 02 – Album Visual kei compilation album. Includes tracks by the following bands: DiSPiNA, FAZE, GATE No.14, HUB, Idial, Qualious, UNILIMITED RULEBOOK, VRZEL, Theatrical Rock Horror Musical “ZAKLIA”, KUROTOKAGE (黒蜥蜴). CDJapan
18 Various artist Agitation Clysis – Metalize 02 – Album Angel’s Ladder, BLACK YAK, LEGACY OF THE SOUL, nAOTO PROJECT~Crystal Peach~, RAJAS, SCARS OF MOMENT, Seventh Heaven, UNAFRAID, YUKIHISA KANATANI PROJECT, Shokei Rider (処刑羅威堕亜), Narita Family (成田☆一家). CDJapan
18 DIAWOLF Turbulence EP The band’s second EP. CDJapan
18 Anfiel (アンフィル) LUNAR PHASE Album The band’s first full length album. CDJapan
19 GalapagosS N/A Demo CD-R The demo CD-R will be released starting from November 19 at Kouenji HIGH and onward.
20 Nekomasshigula(猫まっしぐら。) Nijiro Canvas (虹色キャンバス) Live-distributed single The single will be distributed at Nishikujou BRAND NEW on November 20.
21 sukekiyo Mimizozo (耳ゾゾ) Live-limited single The single will be released on Novermber 21 and 22 at Osaka Midoukaikan.
22 ADAMS Original Love Album Double side album feature remixes and brand new tracks.
25 SID (シド) Hyoryu (漂流) Single The band’s 28th (?) single. The third track is a live track taken from their concert only for males held in August 2015. CDJapan
25 Kiryu (己龍), Royz, & Codomo Dragon (コドモドラゴン) FAMILY PARTY Single B.P. RECORDS’ bands, Kiryu, Royz, and Codomo Dragon collaborate to produce a unique, 10-type single. Link
25 MUCC (ムック) F#CK THE PAST F#CK THE FUTURE ON WORLD-Paradise from T.R.E.N.D.Y.- Live DVD A documentary DVD of the band’s time spent in Europe. CDJapan
25 LIV’ERT Victim Single The band’s sixth single. Link
25 Tourbillon The Decade – 10th Anniversary Best Album Greatest hits album. CDJapan
25 DER ZIBET Bessekai (別世界) Album The band’s 19th album. CDJapan
25 FALUNN Cowra no Mangetsu (カウラの満月) Single The band’s first single. CDJapan
25 Grieva, Kuroyuri to Kage & GOSSIP Ankoku Sekai wa Yami (暗黒世界ハ闇) Album First compilation CD from visual kei label, Ains features Grieva (a new song & an arranged track), Gossip (new song & cover), and Kuroyuri to Kage (new song & live track). Also includes the title song produced by Kai (DIAURA) for the three bands. Link
25 LOUDNESS LOUDNESS Album LOUDNESS releases low-priced reissue of “LOUDNESS” in commemoration of their 35th anniversary. CDJapan
25 LOUDNESS JEALOUSY Album LOUDNESS releases low-priced reissue of “JEALOUSY” in commemoration of their 35th anniversary. CDJapan
25 LOUDNESS LIGHTNING STRIKES Album LOUDNESS releases low-priced reissue of “LIGHTNING STRIKES” in commemoration of their 35th anniversary. CDJapan
25 LOUDNESS HURRICANE EYES Album LOUDNESS releases low-priced reissue of “HURRICANE EYES” in commemoration of their 35th anniversary. CDJapan
25 LOUDNESS HURRICANE EYE (Japanese version) Album LOUDNESS releases low-priced reissue of “HURRICANE EYES” (Japanese version) in commemoration of their 35th anniversary. CDJapan
25 LOUDNESS SHADOWS OF WAR Album LOUDNESS releases low-priced reissue of “SHADOWS OF WAR” in commemoration of their 35th anniversary. CDJapan
25 LOUDNESS Thunder In The East 30th Anniversary Edition Album First release to commemorate the 35th anniversary of LOUDNESS is the special reissue of the album “THUNDER IN THE EAST” in limited and premium editions. CDJapan
25 Wakeshima Kanon (分島花音) Kimi wa Soleil (君はソレイユ) Single  Kimi wa Soleil is used as the ending theme for anime “Strike the Blood”. CDJapan
25 Misaruka Meguru Kisetsu ni Tsuzuru Kimi to Boku no Ei (-廻る季節に綴る君と僕の詠- ) Mini-album The band’s third mini-album. CDJapan

ZeR’0 (ゼロ)

Kyousei (狂声) Live-distributed single The single will be distributed at Ikebukuro EDGE on November 26.

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StarBucks Japonska pričel s sezonskimi okrepčili; posebnost je karamela

Spet je tisti čas leta! Starbucks Japonska je objavil linijo prazničnih pijač in dobrot. Res hitro mine eno leto, kajne?

Letos bodo pri Starbucksu ponujali sezonske dobrote, ki bodo predstavile in vsebovale karamelo, toffee in ogromno smetane. Letos bosta na Japonskem meniju hrustljava karamela toffee bela kava in hrustljava karamela toffee frappuccino. Vse skupaj bo ponujeno v njihovih značilnih sezonsko-prazničnih rdečih skodelicah.

Hrustljava karamela toffee bela kava je kombinacija espresa in oparjenega mleka, nadevana z mandelj-karamelno omakco in posuta s karamelnimi toffee okruški ter s strtimi mandlji za hrustljavo teksturo.

Frappuccino vsebuje karamelni toffee čips in mandlje zmešane v zmrzjeno pijačo, za bogat karamelni okus, ki se skorajda okuša kot desert. No, če želite še več okusa, potem priporočajo dodatni lešnikov sirup za belo kavo in čokoladne okruške za frappuccino. Poleg tega bodo nazaj uvedli belo kavo z okusom ingverjevega peciva, ki bo seveda dodatno popestril letošnjo ponudbo napitkov.

Bela kava z okusom ingverja in oba toffee napitka bosta na voljo od 5. novembra do 25. decembra. Seveda, praznična sezona pomeni še veliko preostalih sezonskih Starbucks produktih, ki se bodo nedvomno dobro prodajali.

Letošnja podnuba vsebuje barvito paleto produktov, vključujoč praznične Bearista lutke v luksuznem sezonskem kostumu, šalice in kozarce v različnih oblikah in velikostih. Recimo praznična skodelica iz bora v obliki stožca, ki stane 1700 jenov, praznični nerjaveči kozarci v rdeči in beli barvi (3800 jenov), skodelica z dvojno praznično steno 2800 jenov itd. Oblik in motivov je zelo veliko, zato je izbira ogromna.


Očitno se bodo prebivalci in obiskovalci Japonske greli in uživali v raznovrstnih dobrotah, ki jih sezonsko ponuja Starbucks Japonska.

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