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Violet Tree - 06.07.2023 - PrulčekTudi letos lahko del dohodnine namenite društvu Touhou!
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Makkon (マッコン) 2013

Vabljeni vsi ljubitelji japonske kulture, animejev, mang in evropskih stripov!

Makkon je kulturno-zabavni dogodek, osredotočen na predstavitev in širitev japonske kulture, animejev in mang. Odvijal se bo 14. decembra v Kinu Šiška. Za obiskovalce pripravljamo zanimiva predavanja na temo japonskih stripov in animacij, japonskega stila oblačenja in tradicionalne kulture. Čas si boste krajšali z delavnico japonskih pismenk, risarsko in origami delavnico, namiznimi in video igrami ter ogledovanju animejev in njihovih poosebitev – cosplayerjev!

Vstop prost!

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Brucovanje oddelka AAŠ 2013

Letošnje brucovanje bo ponovno potekalo v Thai Inn Pubu dne 17.12.2013 ob 22:00.

PREDPRODAJA: od ponedeljka 9.12. do vključno četrtka 12.12. bo v prodaji 50 vstopnic po ceni 3€

ponedeljek, 9.12., od 13.00-14.30 (Martin) – študentska pisarna (pod stopnicami)

torek, 10.12., od 13.00-14.30 (Martin) – študentska pisarna

sreda, 11.12., od 11.30-13.00 (Martin/Katerina) -K16

četrtek, 12.12., od 13.00-14.30 (Martin) – študentska pisarna

NA DAN DOGODKA: vstopnina 5€

Na brucovanju bo veljal sistem OPEN BAR, v povprečni vrednosti zakupljene pijače 5€ na udeleženca. Seveda do razprodaje zakupljenih količin. Torej kdor prej pride, dobi več.

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Skupina A (エース) zaključuje svojo pot

Pravkar je bilo oznanjeno da je ladja piratov skupine A (エース) žal ostala brez vetra v jadrih, saj je skupina napovedala da po svojemu “ACE Day-u”, kateri bo 29.04.2014 zaključuje svojo piratsko odpravo.

Tukaj je originalno besedilo:

Rookie Fiddler




In še seveda prevod v angleščino:

“Pirates are those who live freely.
We have conquered so many coasts up till now.
Also, the feasts where so many Hearties assembled to join us on our ship.
While we were struggling to find Utopia, it seemed that somehow the beginning of a new journey was approaching.
I believe that having all these musicians together on one ship, including the support-members, was a miraculous thing in that sense. So was encountering all the people on our way.
The sea is endless and vast, but all oceans are connected to each other, and so there is no eternal parting but we simply take a different road, and perhaps we will come together again and I will be able to play the same music. That is the beautiful thing about freedom, right.
Wherever our courses may overlap, let us go on another journey!
For that moment, I will keep this ship close to my heart.
Also, since [Every end is a new beginning], I want to add these two together.
Life will not end, because from here many more perils are awaiting us.
As for our remaining feasts, for the end of the story, with eyes full of hope, will you come and hear it with your own ears?
Let us create something that will last into eternity. Certainly treasures will be found here!“
– Rookie Fiddler

“The 4-year Tale of Captain Nimo and his beloved mischievous pirates seeking Utopia.

A magnificent tale of the journey on which they crossed the raging waves, seeking treasures all around the world together with their companions called [Hearties], who they met along their travels.
When they were on a certain journey, chasing treasure, they had to make many sacrifices along the way and when Captain Nimo was the only one left behind, he realized something.
The most important treasure of this world is not gold nor silver,
it is the [Hearties], the companions who stay at your side.
It is the smile coming from the heart of your friends.
This is the tale of Captain Nimo who has grown a little during his long voyages.
A story I felt I wanted to continue reading more and more.
Let us now softly close the thick binding, soaked with tears, sweat and so many memories.
Well, what kind of stories and what kind of friends will be awaiting us now, I wonder?
Certainly it will be another tale overflowing with smiles, right?
That is all!“
– Nimo

“On 11/11 the Utopia Chapter ended, next will be the final chapter of the sea.
Yes, [The last Sea]
As a pirate, a life without the sea would be a nearly fatal existence.
The end of that sea.
We will travel there next.
Though A was the sole journey I have ever been on, for the sake of more purposes to come from here…
Thus, on 29/4 A’s journey will be fully completed.
I wish to convey my gratitude to all Hearties I have met up till now, one by one, and during the few feasts we have left, I will play with fire without holding back!!!”
– Toshi

“Thanks to everyone, we have struggled and reached Utopia! From here on, we will begin a new journey.
But, we will not just continue our journey, perhaps we will meet again somewhere else.
That scenery, when I remember everyone’s smiles, wherever I am, I will do my best!
According to everyone, all of us, when we can have such an existence, that is happiness!
Forever from my heart, Mucho Gracias!! 州^_^州”
– Mucho Gracias

Angleški prevod je bil narejen s strani Hearty Ensemble

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