Makkon (マッコン) je dogodek, na katerem se vse vrti okoli animejev, mang in japonske kulture. Ime je sestavljanka japonske besede matsuri (祭り), kar pomeni festival, in angleške besede convention.
Dogodek se odvija vsako leto v mesecu decembru. Na njem alkoholne pijače niso zaželjene, saj želimo pokazati, da se lahko zabavamo tudi brez njih.
Makkon ima zelo raznolik program in pester izbor aktivnosti. Obiskovalci se lahko preizkusijo v arkadnem plesu in konzolnih igrah. Program popestrijo tudi poučna predavanja, predstavitve, nastopi in tekmovanja, ki se vsako leto spreminjajo. Stalnice dogodka pa so risarski, origami in bralni kotiček, sejem in razstava risb domačih umetnikov in umetnic.
Tudi letos bo Makkon potekal na Fakulteti za kemijo in kemijske tehnologije ter Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko v Ljubljani. Pričetek dogodka je ob 11:00, več pa na FB dogodku.

Japonska “Kawaii” metal skupina Babymetal se po letu 2016 končno vrača na evropska tla.
Prvotno sestavljena iz treh (takrat še mladoletnih) deklet skupino sedaj predstavljata le še dve dekleti Su-metal in Moametal seveda s podporo svojega “kami benda”.
Več o dogodku pa v besedilu organizatorja (v nemškem in angleškem jeziku):
BABYMETAL kommen endlich wieder nach Österreich!
Nach den fuminanten Shows am Rock in Vienna 2015 und 2016, kommt Japans erfolgreichste Metalband aller Zeiten erstmals für eine Headlineshow zurück nach Wien.
Zwischenzeitlich haben BABYMETAL weitere Rekorde gebrochen, als erste japanische Band überhaupt die O2 World in London bis unters Dach ausverkauft, 110.000 Fans bei einem Doppelkonzert im mächtigen Tokio Dome begeistert. Sind mit den RED HOT CHILLI PEPPERSin England, METALLICA in Südkorea, mit GUNS N´ROSES in Japan, mit Korn und Stone Sour in den USA getourt, haben Rock am Ring, Rock im Park, das Download und viele andere Festivals zerlegt.
Die Sensation ist mit der Ankündigung des neuen, dritten Albums “METAL GALAXY” (release 11. Oktober via earMUSIC/Edel) perfekt!
Als kleiner Teaser fungiert die neue Single, die mit dem klebrigen Titel “PA PA YA!!” die exotische Frucht ehrt und mit dem Thai Rapper F.HERO eine spannende Kollaborationspartner mit sich bringt.
Hier gibts die sommerliche Köstlichkeit: ttps://
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pre Order Tickets gibts am 2.7.2019,
der generelle VVK startet am 5.7.2019
Babymetal sind SU-METAL (Vocal & Dance) und MOAMETAL (Scream & Dance)
BABYMETAL will finally come back to Austria!
After the fulminous shows at the Rock in Vienna in 2015 and 2016, Japan’s most successful metal band of all time comes back to Vienna for the first time for a headline show.
BABYMETAL have revealed details of their upcoming brand new studio album, their first since 2016’s ‘METAL RESISTANCE’ saw them become the highest charting Japanese band ever in the UK Official Album Charts.
Since the release of the last album, the band have had numerous highlights, breaking the all time merch sales record at SSE Arena Wembley, and holding the honour of being the first Japanese band to headline the prestigious venue. They played their biggest headline shows to date, selling out two nights – 110,000 people – at the massive TOKYO DOME in September 2016, before returning to the UK later in the year to support RHCP on their huge arena run.
They kicked off 2017 opening for both METALLICA in South Korea and GUNS N’ ROSES in Japan, spending the summer in the US with KORN and STONE SOUR, and continued worldwide touring in 2018.
But the moment fans have been waiting for most eagerly is nearly here, with much sought-after details of a new album finally being revealed.
“We’re excited to announce BABYMETAL’s 3rd album ‘METAL GALAXY’ !!
The album’s main theme is that BABYMETAL are on an odyssey to the METAL GALAXY and a different variety of songs are packed within the album. We are on an odyssey to the METAL GALAXY.
Welcome to the world of BABYMETAL!!”
Set for an October 11th release via earMUSIC/Edel, the announcement comes with a taste of what to expect in the form of new song ‘PA PA YA!! (feat F.HERO)’
The title “PA PA YA!!” refers to the exotic fruit papaya, with the song depicting a hot and spicy summer with an up-tempo beat. The song also features Thai rapper F.HERO, whose collaboration adds an even more exotic and seasonal taste to the song.
Check it out here:
Album pre-orders are available here: OFFCIAL OFFICIAL WEBSITE:
pre order tickets are available on 2.7.2019,
the general VVK starts on 5.7.2019
BabyMetal are SU-METAL (Vocal & Dance) and MOAMETAL (Scream & Dance)