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Violet Tree - 06.07.2023 - PrulčekTudi letos lahko del dohodnine namenite društvu Touhou!
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Bo Miyavi kregan? =)

Bo Miyavi kregan? =)

Pop Star Miyavi Upsets Wife by playing Evil character in Unbroken
Japanese pop star Miyavi shocked hiѕ wife with hiѕ violent portrayal оf a prisoner-of-war camp guard аt thе screening оf hiѕ nеw ANGELINA JOLIE-directed movie UNBROKEN – bесаuѕе ѕhе hаd nеvеr ѕееn thе mеаn ѕidе оf hеr man. Jolie admits ѕhе felt responsible fоr making оnе оf hеr leading men ѕuсh a ba…

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Facebook zid osebe Društvo Touhou 2014-12-15 08:41:50

Slovenian Embassy Tokyo

12月8日(月)東京プリンスホテルにて行われたいけばなインターナショナルフェア2014にスロヴェニア大使館は参加いたしました。お越しくださった皆様、ご協力くださった皆様どうもありがとうございました。公使夫人の手作りのスロヴェニア伝統の焼き菓子やスロヴェニア産の食品や製品の売り上げによる収益の一部は団体の活動費や恵まれない方々のために寄付されます。Thank you for visiting our booth at the Ikebana International Fair 2014 at Tokyo Prince Hotel in 8th December. Spause of the Minister and Member of the Ikebana International, Mrs. Pungartnik's home-made sweets and buckwheat bread, various Slovenian foods and goods were sold. Part of the proceed from this fair was donated to the Ikebana International and will be used for their activities and for the charity.

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Takole pa zgleda ko gre en kozarček predaleč.

Takole pa zgleda ko gre en kozarček predaleč.

[PICS] Drunk Japanese Businessmen Struggle Home After Work Drinks
Japan's salarymen are notoriously hardworking and loyal who commute vast distances every morning to their offices in the city.

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