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Violet Tree - 06.07.2023 - PrulčekTudi letos lahko del dohodnine namenite društvu Touhou!
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Shiggy Jr. izdali nov PV z naslovom ” Ghost Party”

Shiggy Jr. bodo 14. oktobra izdali nov komad z naslovom “Ghost Party”. Naslov in čas objavljene pesmi namigujeta, da bo tema pesmi Noč čarovnic. Promocijski video pa so izdali že zdaj. Ogledate si ga v spodnji povezavi.

Video na tej yutube povezavi


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Objavljeni nominirancI za MTV Japan nagrade. Glasujte!

MTV Japonska bo ponovno gostil dogodek, kjer bodo izbirali najboljše glasbene izvajalce. Letošnji dogodek bo malo drugačen kot v prejšnih letih. Letošnji VMAJ ( Video music awards Japan) bo v novembru, prejšne izvedbe so bile v maju ali juniju. Zmagovalci v 17-ih kategorijah bojo objavljeni 9.novembra.

Oboževalci bodo lahko glasovali v 10-ih izmed 17 kategorij:

Best Male Video (Japan/ mednarodni),

Best Female Video (Japan / mednarodni),

Best Group Video (Japan / mednarodni),

Best New Artist Video (Japan / mednarodni),

Best Collaboration in Next Break Artist.

Preostalih 7 (Best Rock Artist, Best Hip Hop Artist, Best R&B Artist, Best Dance Artist, Best Metal Artist, Best Creativity, and Best Live Performance) bo izbrala MTV Japonska.

MTV VMAJ-THE PARTY !! bo podelila največjo nagrado, in sicer za kategorijo “Best video of the year”, vendar šle 26. novembra. Ta dogodek se bo odvil na lokaciji v območju Tokia, vendar trenutno še ni znan. Pričel se bo ob 19. uri, gostitelj pa bo VERBAL. Na dogodku bodo tudi zmagovalci preostalih kategorij in preostala zvezdniška imena.

Kakor rečeno, oboževalci lahko za 10 kategorij glasujejo na tej povezavi. Glasujete lahko od danes, pa do 7 novembra.



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Prihajajoči “live-action” filmi ameriške produkcije; katastrofa ali uspeh?

Za prihodnja leta je napovedano precej veliko filmskih adaptacij, katerih ne bodo ustvarili Japonci, pač pa zahodna polobla oz. Hollywood.

Poglejmo malo v preteklost.

1996 Fist of the north star: Gary Daniels v glavni vlogi. IMDB: 3,9

2008 Speed Racer:  Emile Hirsch v glavni vlogi; IMDB: 6,1; METASCORE: 37/100

2009 Dragonball Evolution: Justin Chatwin v glavni vlogi; IMDB: 2,8; METASCORE: 45/100

2013 Oldboy (Adaptacija južnokorejskega Oldboya) Josh Brolin glavni akter; IMDB: 5,7; METASCORE: 49/100

2014 Kite (Adaptacija animeja Yasuomija Umetsuja) Samuel l. Jackon, India Eisley, IMDB: 4,3; METASCORE: 19/100

Torej nekaj primerov, ki pa niso nikoli bili dobro sprejeti, ne od fanov niti of kritikov. Hollywood izdela odlične adaptacije japonskih video iger, npr: Silent Hill, Biohazard (Resident evil), Ringu (The Ring). Ko pa pride do animejev in mang, pa Hollywood omahne.

Torej dobrih izkušenj z adaptacijami iz zahodne poloble nimamo. Prevladuje splošno mnenje, da Hollywood ne zna ustvariti dobrih filmskih adaptacij. Poglejmo recimo samo Dragon Ball Evolution. Ogromno kritik je padlo na račun, “zahodnjaških” nastavitev samega filma in interpretacije, pa tudi na račun igralcev oz. karakterjev.

Dejansko se lahko vprašamo, kako bo izgledal Naruto “live-action” movie, glede na to, da so oboževalci sami posneli nekaj takega. Razlogov, zakaj Hollywood še ni posnel dobre adaptacije, pa lahko najdemo kar nekaj. Eden izmed glavnih je sigurno nepoznavanje kulture, vsakdo, ki vsaj malo pozna japonsko in korejsko animacijo/mango/manhwo, pa lahko najde veliko več razlogov.

Kakšno je vaše mnenje? Pustite komentar pod novico na naši FB strani.

Pa si poglejmo še seznam napovedanih/prihajajočih anime/manga adaptacij (seznam ni kratek in v angleščini, ni popoln, ker vseh informacij še ni, ampak bo gotovo zadovoljil vse tiste, ki še ne poznate vseh naslovov)


Director: Rupert Sanders (Snow White and the Huntsman)
Starring: Scarlett Johansson (Lost in Translation)

Based on the 1989 manga of the same name. The Walt Disney Pictures film is scheduled for a March 24, 2017 opening. Filming starts in early 2016.


Director: Adam Wingard (The Guest)
Starring: Nathaniel Marvin “Nat” Wolff (The Fault in Our Stars)

Based on the 2003 manga of the same name. Warner Bros. acquired the rights in 2008 and production is scheduled to start in early 2016. A Japanese movie, “Death Note 2016” is also currently in the works.


Director: Jaume Collet-Serra (House of Wax)
Starring: TBA

Based on the 1988 anime movie of the same name. Warner Bros. acquired the rights in 2002 and since then, various efforts to start production have been made with actors, writers and directors changing with each attempt. Earlier this year, director Jaume Collet-Serra announced that he would take a break from the movie for a while. In September, it was announced that AKIRA will be a trilogy and that Christopher Nolan is participating.


Director: TBA
Starring: TBA

Rumored actor Keanu Reeves announced in 2014, that he would not be in the movie and that it would cost half a billion dollars to produce the film. Twentieth Century Fox, 3 Arts Entertainment, and Sunrise will be co-producing the film.


Director: TBA
Starring: TBA

Based on the 1984 anime classic “Voltron: Defender of the Universe”. Relativity Media and Atlas Entertainment announced that they would co-produce the movie in 2011. There are no other details so far.


Director: Peter Segal (Naked Gun)
Starring: TBA

Based on the 2001 manga of the same name. It was announced that Peter Segal is the potential director.


Director: James Wan (Furious 7)
Starring: TBA

Sony has taken over the rights for “Robotech” from Warner Bros in 2015. The movie will most likely not enter production until 2018 as it was announced that director James Wan will also work on “Aquaman” which is due for 2018.


Director: TBA
Starring: TBA

Universal Pictures acquired the rights for the Japanese 3D CG movie “Vexille” in 2013. Although there is no director yet, it was announced that Beau Flynn and Tripp Vinson will serve as the producers, while Lisa Zambri will serve as the executive producer.


Director: Alexandre Aja (Piranha 3D)
Starring: TBA

Hollywood adaption of the 1978 manga “Cobra”. It is unclear whether the movie will actually be released, as director Alexandre Aja stated in 2014 that he needs a major movie star to back the $150 million project.

Director: Edward Zwick (The Last Samurai)
Starring: TBA

Last summer, Fields Corporation and ANEW announced that they would co-produce an English language live action movie based on Tohru Fuijisawa and Manabu Akishige’s “SOUL ReVIVER”.

6000: ROKUSEN (2019)
Director: TBA
Starring: TBA

Based on the 2010 manga of the same name. Mike Medavoy (Black Swan) will serve as the producer.

NARUTO (2017)
Director: Michael Gracey
Starring: TBA

This summer, Lionsgate acquired the rights to produce a live-action “Naruto” movie after the manga of the same name ended last year. It was announced that VFX artist Michael Gracey will serve as the director.

Director: TBA
Starring: TBA

Hurd’s Valhalla Entertainment, Toei Entertainment and ANEW announced that they would be co-producing a “Gaiking” feature film back in December 2012. Since then, there were few updates on the project.

Director: Justin Lin (Fast & Furious)
Starring: TBA

Kamala Films announced that they acquired the rights for “Lone Wolf and Cub” back in 2012. As Justin Lin is currently working on “Star Trek Beyond”, production for the movie appears to be on hold.

Director: Ernesto Foronda (Better Luck Tomorrow)
Starring: TBA

Based on Osamu Tezuka’s manga of the same name. It is not clear whether the movie will be live action but it is generally assumed. A Japanese live-action movie starring Kou Shibasaki was released in 2007

Director: James Cameron (AVATAR)
Starring: TBA

Based on the 1991 manga “Ganmu” also known as “Battle Angel Alita. “Titanic” director James Cameron is currently working on the sequels to his 3D epos “Avatar” so the movie has been postponed from its initial 2014 start to 2017. Although it will be a live action film, the main character will be CGI.

Director: Christopher McQuarrie (Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation)
Starring: TBA

Based on the 1974 anime series “Uchuu Senkan Yamato” also known as “Space Battleship Yamato”. It is possible that Japanese actors will be in the cast. A Japanese live-action film was released in 2010. The film is scheduled to premiere in either 2017 or 2018.

Director: TBA
Starring: TBA

Based on the 2003 manga of the same name. Tezuka Productions and Illumination Entertainment are teaming up to produce this live-action / CG hybrid movie. The project was announced back in 2010 and there have been no further updates.



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