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Violet Tree - 06.07.2023 - PrulčekTudi letos lahko del dohodnine namenite društvu Touhou!

Category: News

News in Slovenia and the world


Tajfun Vongfong pustoši po zahodni Japonski

Močni tajfun poimenovan Vongfong pustoši po južnemu in zahodnemu delu Japonske, meteorološka agencija navaja da je tajfun najbolje prizadel prebivalce mesta Kishiwada, ki se nahaja v prefekturi Osaka, tam je prispel malce po osmi uri zvečer, pred tem pa je pustošil v prefekturah Kagoshima ter Kochi.

Tajfun se po zadnjih podatkih podaja proti severovzhodu z približno hitrostjo 50km/h, najmočnejši vetrovi izmerji segajo krepko preko 100km/h v Osaki pa vsako uro pade cca. 56mm novega dežja.

83 ljudi je trenutno poškodovanih in n pogrešan. 11,881 gospodinjstev in 13 prefektur je trenutno brez elektrike (podatki do 20:00 – lokalni čas)

Video iz NHK poročil je na voljo tukaj:

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TEPCO removing radioactive water from Fukushima Daiichi

Tokyo Electric Power Company has begun transferring radioactive water from a leaking storage tank at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

The company says radioactive strontium and other substances were detected on the ground around a storage tank from Wednesday to Friday.

TEPCO estimates that 120 tons leaked so far based on the change in the level of water in the tank.

The work began on Saturday morning.

Workers are using 4 pumps to transfer radioactive water in the tank to an adjacent tank.

The utility says the leaked water has not flowed into the ocean because there is no ditch around the tank, and the sea is some 800 meters away.

TEPCO says it will take at least 5 days to finish the transfer of water.

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