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Violet Tree - 06.07.2023 - PrulčekTudi letos lahko del dohodnine namenite društvu Touhou!

Category: Events

Touhou Society Events


Koncert in predstavitev: Japonski Taiko Bobni

A real treat for all lovers of Japanese culture and music!

On Friday, November 3rd, we are organizing a joint concert and presentation of the amazing Japanese TAIKO DRUMS! You will have a chance to experience a unique stage performance and hear the powerful beats of the traditional Japanese big drums, as well as a presentation into their history, how they are made and how they are played!
A very special highlight for this event is a short performance by one of the world’s greatest taiko masters: Art Lee (artistic director, Wadaiko Tokara, Japan) together with Yukari (member of Wadaiko Tokara). The duo will be performing original pieces written by Art Lee. This is their first performing in Ljubljana, so make sure not to miss it!
Opening the event will be a performance by Douten Taiko, Slovenian taiko group based in Ljubljana, with their set of traditional as well as and more modern taiko pieces.
Accompanying the concerts, Anja Hedl (founder and leader of Douten Taiko) will do a presentation and offer interesting insights into the history of Taiko drums, the specific playing and performance styles, as well as what makes them unique in the world of musical performance.
The event will take place at Kmetski dom in Dol pri Ljubljani, and the entrance is free of charge (voluntary donations will be accepted at the entrance).

19:30 – doors open
20:00 – Douten taiko + presentation by Anja Hedl
20:45 – Art Lee and Yukari

Event address:
Kmetski dom
Beričevo 18, Dol pri Ljubljani

About the performers:
Art Lee is the first and only non-Japanese person to be crowned Solo Grand Champion of the world’s most prestigious taiko competition in Tokyo. In more than two decades since his professional debut, award-winning Taiko soloist Art Lee has brought his virtuosity, expansive interpretations, and creative repertoire choices to diverse global audiences. Besides being an acclaimed Taiko Artist, he is also widely known as one of the top taiko facilitators in the taiko world. Having lived in Japan for more than 20 years, as well as extended residencies in Europe, Australia and North America, Art Lee has continued in both instruction and collaboration of many projects aimed at higher levels of learning wadaiko.

Douten taiko is the first and only Slovenian taiko group. Formed over 10 years ago, it has been active in teaching and performing the art of Taiko, with notable performances on Dani Japonske and Mofucon in Ljubljana, as well as conventions and events across Slovenia. Its members are constantly expanding their knowledge through seminars all over Europe and Japan, and the group itself is currently accepting new practitioners.


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Violet Tree 2023 – VIP

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Violet Tree – 06.07.2023 – Prulček, Ljubljana

Društvo Touhou v sodelovanju z YU/ME ponosno predstavlja:

Violet Tree – Reset Tour 2023


Vabljeni na osupljiv glasbeni dogodek, kjer se boste lahko prepustili ritmom in melodijam skupine Violet Tree iz Južne Koreje! Skupina, ki je svojo glasbeno pot začela leta 2014 s pesmijo “After”, sestavljajo pevka Jiwon, bobnar Wongyu, violinist Hyunjin in basist Seowoo. Do sedaj so izdali dve EP plošči in devet singlov.

Violet Tree, znan po svojem pop-rock žanru, si prizadeva ustvariti edinstven zvok, ki združuje različne glasbene sloge. Z njihovo kombinacijo rock energije in melodij violine so navdušili ter zabavali poslušalce po vsem svetu. Skupina je doslej nastopila več kot 150-krat v 24 državah, izključno izven Koreje.

Pridružite se nam na izjemnem glasbenem večeru, kjer boste lahko doživeli energijo in talent skupine Violet Tree. Pustite, da vas njihove melodije popeljejo v svet strastne glasbe, kjer se srečata moč rocka in nežnost violine.

Ne zamudite te enkratne priložnosti! Rezervirajte svoje vstopnice že danes in se pripravite na nepozabno glasbeno poslastico.


  • Seo Jiwon (서지원) – kitara + vokali)
  • Kim Seowoo (김서우) – bas
  • Oh Hyunjin (오현진) – violina
  • Park Wongyu (박원규) – bobni

Če se s pomočjo YouTuba in naše spletne strani malce vrnemo v 2019:

VIP vstopnice za koncert so že na prodaj na naši spletni stran.

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