Že četrto leto zapored smo za vas deželo vzhajajočega sonca pripeljali za Bežigrad!
V sodelovanju z Veleposlaništvom Japonske v Ljubljani med 12. in 16. novembrom gostimo TEDEN JAPONSKEGA FILMA, v sklopu katerega si boste lahko povsem BREZPLAČNO ogledali štiri predstavnike različnih žanrov sodobne japonske kinematografije. ??
12.11. ob 19.00 = Čudovito življenje (It’s a Beautiful Life)
13.11. ob 17.00 = Družina preživetja (Survival Family)
15.11. ob 17.00 = V času EVE: Film (Time of EVE: The Movie)
16.11. ob 17.00 = Kompleks (The Complex)
Rezervacije sprejemamo na naši spletni strani: https://bit.ly/2J8JdH5
? ČUDOVITO ŽIVLJENJE (12. 11.) = Po resničnih dogodkih posneta DRAMA o treh starejših gospeh, ki se zaradi težkih življenjskih razmer začnejo ukvarjati z nabiranjem in prodajo listja različnih dreves za garniranje tradicionalnih japonskih jedi.
? DRUŽINA PREŽIVETJA (13. 11.) = KOMEDIJA, polna zabavnih pripetljajev in nenadnih obratov, o tipični japonski družini iz Tokia, ki se nekega dne znajde sredi električne apokalipse, zaradi katere se odloči zapustiti metropolo in poskusiti preživeti na podeželju.
? V ČASU EVE: FILM (15. 11.) = ANIME, posnet po 6-delni animirani seriji iz leta 2008, ki nas popelje v (ne tako) oddaljeno prihodnost, v katerem ljudem služijo androidi, ki so jim na las podobni. V tem svetu radovedna srednješolca odkrijeta kavarno “Time of EVE”, kjer ljudi in androide obravnavajo enako, zaradi česar tudi sama spremenita svoj pogled nanje.
? KOMPLEKS (16. 11.) = V grozljivki režiserja Hidea Nakata (Krog, Temna voda) študentka Asuko raziskuje številne nenavadne dogodke ter smrti v njenem kompleksu ter se bori, da ne postane naslednja žrtev. Ji bo uspelo?
Organizacija: Veleposlaništvo Japonske v RS in Kino Bežigrad
YUIMETAL članica popularne zasedbe BABYMETAL je na današnji dan uradno zapustila skupino.
Ob njenem odhodu bo BABYMETAL uradno deloval kot duet z SU-METAL in MOAMETAL.
Danes je bila tudi izdana prva skladba (in video spot) v katerem se SU in MOA prvič predstavita kot duet, gre sicer za skladbo “Starlight”:
YUIMETAL je nazadnje s skupino nastopila Decembra leta 2017, zato novica zvestim oboževalcem ni bila večje presenečenje.
Thank you for continually supporting BABYMETAL. We would like to inform you of BABYMETAL’s new beginning which will be effective starting this month’s BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2018 in JAPAN performances. YUIMETAL had expressed her desire to return performing with the group in the following months after last December’s performance due health concerns. During her absence, both SU-METAL and MOAMETAL as well as the entire staff team had been preparing for her awaited return. However, YUIMETAL came to a decision that she will not be performing at BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2018 in JAPAN and that she will no longer be a part of BABYMETAL. We thank her for all of her contributions and wish her all the best in her future endeavors. This month’s BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2018 in JAPAN will mark the rebirth in which SU-METAL and MOAMETAL form the core of BABYMETAL. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the fans for the continued support and look forward in what’s next for BABYMETAL.
“I feel very sorry that my decision will disturb the other members and some many fans who have supported BABYMETAL. I am further terribly sorry to sadden the fans who have supported BABYMETAL. I had the strong desire to appear on stage again, but my physical condition is not at its best even now, and further I feel that I would like to pursue my dream, one that I have had from a long time ago, of going on my own as Yui Mizuno. It is these factors that led to my decision,” she said.
BABYMETAL se na odre kot prerojeni duo vrača 23.10.2018 na Japonskem.
It is with greatest regret we announce that the German building authorities have closed the venue “Neue Theaterfabrik” due to severe infringements against local regulations. We were totally surprised by these unpleasant news this morning and would like to express our apologies for the troubles caused.
Luckily, we were able to move the concert to a new venue. Dir en Grey’s show will take place at
Speicherstraße 26
81671 München on 18th October 2018.
The Technikum is located next to the Tonhalle Munich. All tickets remain valid. Please check Technikum’s homepage (http://www.tonhalle-muenchen.de/de/) for directions.
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