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Luminous – 25.04.2023 – Budimpešta

Točno leto bo minilo od našega zadnjega KPOP koncerta ko bod oder v Budimpešti zavzela štiri člasnka zasedba Luminous.

Skupaj s hčerinskim društvom SoundOfJapan iz Madžarske bomo dne 25.04.2023 orginizirali koncer zasedbe Luminous.

LUMINOUS (루미너스) so štiričlanska is fantovska zasedba, pod okriljem SE Group Entertaiment. Z delom in snemanji so pričeli sicer že v letu 2019 vendar so zaradi COVID krize prvi album izdali šele 19. avgusta 2021. Več o članih zasedbe pa si lahko preberite spodaj.


LUMINOUS uradne povezave:
Instagram: @lmn5_official /
Twitter: @LMN5_official
YouTube: Luminous
TikTok: @lmn_official
Official Website: 루미너스
Fancafe: Luminous
vLive: 루미너스 (LUMINOUS)

LUMINOUS Profili članov:

Stage Name: Youngbin (영빈)
Birth Name: Jung Young Bin (정영빈‬)
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthday: October 5th, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 172 cm (5’8″)
Weight: 55 kg (121 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Light Form:  큐브 (Cube) Highlight
Instagram: jybin1005
Twitter: Jyoungboy1005

Youngbin Facts:
– He’s from Seungju county from North Gyeongsang province, S. Korea.
– He was the last member to be revealed on August 20th, 2019.
– He was a contestant on Produce X 101 and eliminated in episode 5.
– Young Bin has trained for 2 years and 6 months.
– His skill is dancing.
– His hobbies are lying around, walking, voice imitations, watching videos on youtube and playing games.
– His favorite food is grilled fish. (The German Korean-based magazine Kbang)
– His nickname is Tubeu.
– His charm points are his caterpillar eyebrows and smile
– Three things he dislikes are Sauce, Ghosts and Haunted house.
– His motto is “let’s live life without regrets”.
– His personal goal is to travel abroad with family.
– His sleeping habit is to find a corner and sleep with his back against the wall.
– He used to be a Cube trainee (his picture was posted on the cube trainee Instagram but it was deleted/archived later, also confirmed by his dentist on Instagram).
– He has a dog, named Gucci.
– He loves sleeping.
– Youngbin and Woobin share the same room. (Source: All Eyes Down’s Showcase)


Stage Name: Suil (수일)
Birth Name: Ma Su Il (마수일)
Position: Main Dancer, Rapper, Sub Vocalist
Birthday: March 30th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 170 cm (5’7”)
Weight: 57 kg (125 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Light Form: 번개 (Lightning) Flash
Instagram: aktndlf

Suil Facts:
– He’s from Gwanggu city from Jeollanam province, S. Korea.
– He was the first member to be revealed on July 22nd, 2019.
– His nickname is Ma Dobby.
– His hobbies are food tours and visiting cafes.
– His favorite food is . (The German Korean-based magazine Kbang)
– His charm point is his lips.
– Three things he dislikes are shiitake mushrooms, stretched clothes and eating apples.
– His motto is “there is something to learn”.
– His sleeping habits are to finding a warm place to sleep.


Stage Name: Steven (스티븐)
Birth Name: Steven Kim (스티븐 킴‬)
Position: Rapper, Sub Vocalist
Birthday: January 17th, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 176 cm (5’9″)
Weight: 57 kg (126 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean-Australian
Light Form: 불빛 (Light) Flare
Instagram: @steven_3051_

Steven Facts:
– He is from Sydney, Australia.
– He was the third member to be revealed on August 5th, 2019.
– He was a contestant on Produce X 101, but was eliminated on episode 5.
– Steven has trained with DS Entertainment for 2 years and 8 months.
– His skills are singing, rapping, dancing and composing music.
– His hobbies are acting like a zombie, whistling, woodworking, gaming, sleeping and watching Youtube.
– His favorite food is . (The German Korean-based magazine Kbang)
– He gets that he looks like a kangaroo a lot.
– He is a former JYP Entertainment trainee.
– He was with Stray Kids while in JYP.
– He speaks English and Korean.
– His nickname is dolmaengi (boulder).
– His other family is from Seongnam city Gyeonggi province (but his family is from Sydney, Australia).
– His charm points are his eyes and 4D personality.
-Three things he dislikes are food waste, mosquitoes and people stepping on his shoes.
– His motto is “Chosen to shine the light”.
– His personal goal is to make a favorite song.


Stage Name: Woobin (우빈)
Birth Name: Jeong Woo Bin (정우빈)
Position: Main Vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: April 1st, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 180 cm (5’10”)
Weight: 67 kg (148 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Light Form: 달빛 (Moonlight) Moonlight
Instagram: binujeong

Woobin Facts:
– He’s from Yeosu, S. Korea.
– Woobin has a brother.
– He was the second member to be revealed on July 29th, 2019.
– His nickname is jindoggie or retriever.
– His hobbies are watching a movie, reading webtoons, cooking and wandering around.
– His favorite food is . (The German Korean-based magazine Kbang)
– His charm point is his husky voice.
– Three things he dislikes are Sunday schedules, diets, and hot weather.
– His motto is “let’s live happily”.
– His sleeping habits are sleeping in the correct posture.
– Woobin is in the Soundcloud group Named Late made by Onewe CyA and The Boyz Sunwoo is also a member.
– Woobin and Youngbin share the same room. (Source: All Eyes Down’s Showcase)



Aranžmaji za obisk koncerta (prevoz, vstopnice, organizacij, itd) bodo na podlagi povpraševanj na voljo v naslednjih dneh. Za več informacij nas lahko kontaktirate na .

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Štipendije MEXT 2023 (za študente japonologije)

Veleposlaništvo Japonske v Sloveniji objavlja razpis za dodiplomske štipendije japonske vlade, MEXT 2023 za študente japonologije.

Prijavni rok je ponedeljek, 13. februar 2023, (do 12. ure). Ožji izbor kandidatov bo opravljen na podlagi pisnega testa japonskega jezika, ki bo potekal v prostorih Veleposlaništva Japonske v torek, 21. februarja 2023. Najboljši kandidati bodo povabljeni na razgovor, ki bo v ponedeljek, 27. februarja 2023, ali v torek, 28. februarja 2023, v prostorih veleposlaništva. Navodila za prijavo najdete na spletni strani Study in Japan in spletni strani MEXT.

Časovnica izbirnega postopka v Sloveniji
Povezava do navodil za prijavo in prijavnega obrazca
Povezava do spletne strani Ministrstva za izobraževanje, kulturo, šport, znanost in tehnologijo Japonske
Spletna stran “Study in Japan”

Prosimo, da natančno preberete besedilo razpisa in v skladu z njim pripravite prijavno dokumentacijo.

Prijavo pošljite ali osebno dostavite na naslov:
Veleposlaništvo Japonske v Sloveniji
Trg republike 3/XI
1000 Ljubljana
(s pripisom: Štipendije MEXT 2023)

Deli preko:

Brezplačni intenzivni tečaj japonščine za začetnike

日本に行こう!! Gremo na japonsko!!

Intenzivni tečaj japonščine za začetnike

Vas zanima japonska? Bi se učili japonščine?
Ponujamo vam brezplačni intenzivni tečaj japonščine za začetnike, ki bo potekal na filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Ker je število mest omejeno se čim prej prijavi na povezavi (


Vsak delovnik od 16. 1. 2023 do 27. 1. 2023,
17:00 – 18:30 (90 min),
na Filozofski Fakulteti, Aškerčeva cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana

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